March 28, 2023

Airship and Feed It Back Partner Pilates session

Airship and Feed It Back Partner Pilates session

We want to ensure we’re always Better Together and that our mutual customers (not exclusive though, our pilates doors are open to all!) are using the integration to its fullest potential. 

So…alongside Feed It Back’s Head of Client Services, Lisa Campbell, our very own Bryony and Luci shared some best use cases and possible journeys to take your customers on, inspiring brands to get creative and set up more personalised journeys to maximise repeat visits.

Watch the session where this wonderful trio ran through how you can find ways to strengthen your ‘core’ customer base with Rewards! Watch here:

See how it works for yourself

The Joiner’s Kitchen is our fictional restaurant with a very real digital guest journey. Head over there, sign up, and experience the basics of what Airship can do for yourself.

Check it out