September 16, 2024

How Important is Loyalty for your Hospitality Brand?

How Important is Loyalty for your Hospitality Brand?
Zonal’s new Loyalty Report reveals how important brand loyalty is in the world of hospitality, with their research showing that nearly a third of customers are ready to switch to a competitor.

The latest report released by Zonal reveals what types of customers are likely to move brands, and how these customers like to be contacted, with 47% saying their preferred method of contact is via email.

When brands are trying to build loyalty from their customers, there are a couple of key challenges that the face. Firstly, it's important to understand the key to data collection - the impact that gathering customer data can have on your understanding of their habits and behaviour can be a gamechanger, so you should ensure you're gathering as much as possible, even if it may seem a bit OTT, trust us, knowing those little things can help increase your revenue!

When it comes to loyalty vs frequency, consider which makes the biggest difference. The research shows that customers will engage with your loyalty schemes, but it is important to utilise automations to encourage those repeat visits. Using the data at your finger tips in the Airship dashboard, you’re able to deliver those meaningful reactions and develop the relationship needed to increase frequency and foster loyalty.

Airship’s Takeaway: The hospitality sector needs to move beyond just having data to understanding and activating it effectively. Loyalty is about more than just points and discounts; it’s about engaging customers with the right message at the right time, keeping them coming back not just because of a scheme but because of a consistently great experience.

Interested in learning more? Download a copy of Zonal's Loyalty Report to find out more about redefining loyalty in the hospitality sector.

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