October 5, 2022

How Rosa's Thai increased Google reviews by 400%

How Rosa's Thai increased Google reviews by 400%

It is no secret that Airship, Toggle and Feed It Back are key players in the all-star team of digital marketing. The team over at Rosa’s Thai definitely know this, as they've been using our platforms to get existing customers to drive new customers into venue… want to do the same? Keep reading…

Thanks to Airship’s integrations with the likes of ordering, booking, and WiFi partners (to name a few), we can record how often a customer is showing up in one of your venues (which is a metric we call PoP: Proof of Presence). This means hospitality businesses, such as Rosa’s Thai, can segment their database based on visit frequency. Using Airship’s email builder, Rosa’s Thai assembled a lovely looking post-visit email that is triggered after a customer PoPs into one of their venues.

The email has a ‘call to action’ inviting guests to complete a short Rosa’s Thai branded survey powered by Feed It Back which includes a ‘Net Promoter Score’ feedback question. This all important NPS question asks customers how likely they are to recommend Rosa’s Thai to their friends and family on the official 0-10 NPS metric. Alongside this are a handful of other questions aimed at understanding which areas of the guest experience need improving or can be celebrated.

Back in Airship, the next stage of the journey happens with guests that scored Rosa’s Thai a 9 or 10 on NPS. They were re-contacted just hours after their initial feedback, thanking them for their feedback and asking if they’d be so kind to leave a Google review for their favourite Thai restaurant.

For those guests who scored 0-6 on the NPS metric, Rosa’s Thai Ops teams are able to recover that guest with a Toggle Voucher direct from Feed It Back's ‘Case Management’ system, to win the unhappy guest back into the site and turn that negative into a positive.

This innovative thinking from the Rosa’s Thai marketing team saw two key stats: their Google rating increased by 13%, and Rosa’s Thai saw the number of reviews grow by an amazing 400%. Whilst boosting their searchability, Rosa’s Thai have also created a successful method which allows them to incentivise their brand champions to encourage new customers to stop by and experience some of the magic for themselves!

And Rosa’s Thai didn't stop there:

They have been leading the way when it comes to taking ownership of their delivery customers. Rather than just relying on the delivery aggregators to bring them new customers, Rosa’s Thai have been successfully converting these customers from an external delivery aggregator, to getting them into venues, as well as encouraging them to use their own click and collect service.

They did this by incentivising delivery customers with a bounceback Toggle gift card when completing a Feed It Back survey. When these customers completed a delivery survey, not only did Rosa’s Thai gain valuable insights on the delivery experience, they added new subscribers to their database. This enabled them to market directly to these customers and encouraged that return spend direct to Rosa’s Thai, avoiding delivery commission fees.

Rosa’s Thai’s Head of Brand & Marketing, Punky Patra-Yanan has said ‘The integrations between Airship x Feed It Back x Toggle have been completely seamless. Once sets up, the automation runs in the background which means less time on guests recovery and more time for our Ops and Marketing teams to focus on building the relationship with our guests pre-, during, and post-visit to keep them coming back again and again.’

We want to give a big shout out to Punky and all the team over at Rosa’s Thai for using our platforms with such extreme innovation! The wonders of integrated tech platforms such as Airship, Toggle and Feed It Back have allowed for Rosa’s Thai to take digital marketing to the next level - we can’t wait to see what they do next!

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