September 4, 2024

Airship and Toggle’s Mega Marketing Masterclass is back!

Airship and Toggle’s Mega Marketing Masterclass is back!

Airship and Toggle’s Mega Marketing Masterclass is back and we’ve stepped it up! 🚀

We’ll be starting bright and early with plenty of time to warm up and meet the team. 

We’ll be kicking things off with an insight session from James Mobbs, Founder of Hospitality Marketer, highlighting just how crucial having a handle on your data is in terms of customer acquisition and brand positioning.

We will also walk you through our brand-new lightning-fast infrastructure and take a deep dive into the future of Airship and where AI enters the conversation. Not only this, but we’ll also give you a taste of some industry benchmarking to help you position your brand in the best possible place going into the rest of this year.

Hearing directly from Hospitality’s rockstar and brain behind Edgey, Jack Edge will bring you the full lowdown on case studies including social activations and gamification.

There will also be sessions by Anna Vieira, Director at Nineteen Agency and Alan Armstrong, Founder at Spaceman Marketing.

But Airship isn’t the only star of this event, Toggle Time 4 is waiting in the wings. September marks the start of the Christmas countdown in our world. Amy and Anna will lead a session to shine a light on all the key parts of Toggle to get your ROI up this year and prepare you for the gifting season. From social ads to affiliate marketing, find out more about driving those gift card sales.

We’ll be providing lunch, and throughout the day, you will also have direct access to breakout booths for hands-on support from our ex-hospitality team. 

And after all that, we will be rounding the day off with a Hijingo special, BINGO! 

To secure your free spot today, click here

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