July 17, 2024

ENGAGE AND EXCITE: Crafting email subject lines that get results

 ENGAGE AND EXCITE: Crafting email subject lines that get results

Subject lines are the window to your email. We always say never to judge a book by its cover, but your database will judge your emails by your openers. After you’ve spent that time creating the perfect email, don’t let it fall flat with a limp subject line.

Make sure you’re striking the balance and keeping your database engaged. Here are some ways to get your engagement up and keep those PoPs coming. 

  1. Say their name - Using personalisation is key to getting those engagement rates up. Naming your contact has a proven track record in encouraging those open rates.
  2. Know your audience - Segmenting your lists will allow you to target the subject lines more effectively. This could include using a characteristic of the group, for example, favourite location, dietary requirements or even booking types. 
  3. Be an open book - Tell your readers exactly what is inside. In a concise and engaging way, consider sharing new menu releases or upcoming events.
  4. Keep them relevant - For example, sending them at specific times of the day or week will allow you to focus on this in the subject line. 
  5. Remember your pre-header text! - Your pre-header text follows straight after your subject line, this also needs to catch your audience’s eye.

Here are some of our favourite recent Airshipper examples:

  • Drag Drink & Draw 🖌️🍸 - YOLO Townhouse 

Clear, catchy and says what it is on the tin. These types of subject lines are great for conveying exactly what your email is about and invites readers to find out more.

  • Warning - 85% Sold Out - Fire London

Works on scarcity and encourages readers to click, read and get involved quickly. Giving customers a ‘warning’ or ‘time running out’ message helps to hold their attention. The ambiguousness here also appeals to the more curious readers.

  • Savour The Flavour With A FREE Extra Topping! - Chopstix

An offer, but even better, a freebie! An offer this good is great to encourage and increase that read rate. The reader knows exactly what they’re getting and will click to find out how. A great way to drive up that conversion rate.

  • Wine lover, Meet Mauricio 👋 - Ambiente Tapas

Invites you into a club with perks like meeting someone special and also shows that they understand you and your wants. Calling the reader a ‘wine lover’ shows you understand their segment and suggests they have been specifically selected to be introduced to the exclusive name.

  • Picky Bits for Dinner? - The Little Door Co.

Plays into trending topics, and appeals to those online with relatable subject matter. Also highlights the company’s offerings whilst also encouraging curiosity. You are encouraged to find out more about the food on offer, but this also gives The Little Door Co. the opportunity to showcase any other offerings and not just the food.

Once you know how to address your audience, consider testing your options to find the perfect subject line. To find out more about split testing, read up here ➡️ https://airship.co.uk/blog/email-subject-line-testing

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